Here you will find my Lord of the Rings gen (i.e., non-slash) stories. They are mostly, but not entirely, hobbit-centric. What can I say? Hobbits are my thing! :-)
- At Lithe, 1421: There is no one to overhear Frodo this time. Angst, Drama, Post-Quest. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 250.
- Autumn, S.R. 1380: Two mothers have a conversation. Drama, What If, Alternate Universe. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 200.
- Before His Eyes: In Moria, Sam fears for Frodo's life. Drama, Quest Fic. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 563.
- The Best of Both: Frodo has a nightmare. Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 350.
- NEW! Blister: Strider has a blister. Quest Fic, Drama, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 843.
- Boo to a Goose: That mischievous Took is in trouble again. Humor. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 200.
- But In Dreams: Sam has a disturbing dream. Angst, Darkness. Rating: Teen. Words: 1985.
- Celebration: The Mayor, the Master and the Thain make a toast. Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- The Comfort of a Friend: In Rivendell, Frodo is restless and worried until a friend comforts him. Drama, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 1089.
- Confession: Someone has a confession to make. Crack, Fluff, Silliness. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- Dreams of Home: Sam longs to take Frodo home again. Angst, Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 250.
- The Eve of Battle: On the eve of battle, Gimli helps Pippin to find his courage. Drama, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 3374.
- An Exaltation of Larks: On the road to Moria, Aragorn and Boromir play a word game. Humor, Word Play. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 1467.
- Eye of the Beholder: Frodo makes an observation on his first sight of Minas Tirith. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 333.
- The Fellowship of the Hair: Some things can't be neglected, no matter what. Humor, Quest Fic. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- First Watch: In Hollin, an uneasy Frodo has the first watch. Quest Fic, Friendship. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 1074.
- Follow: Sam would follow if he could. Angst, Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 200.
- Games Hobbits Play: The hobbits play a little prank on Aragorn. Humor, Quest Fic. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 492.
- Gardner's Gift. Frodo returns something to Sam. Sequel to 'Good Shire Earth'. Drama, Schmoop, Valinor Fic. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 200.
- Good Shire Earth: Frodo discovers a surprise in his pack. Drama, Post-Quest. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- A Halloween Conspiracy: His friends conspire to cheer Frodo after Bilbo's departure from the Shire. Hurt/Comfort, Friendship. Rating: General Audi ences. Words: 1230.
- Hey Dol! Merry Dol! Sam discovers it's not always enough to read from the Red Book. Humor, Domesticity. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 340.
- His Sam: Sam gives Frodo hope when he has none for himself. Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 250.
- The Importance of Birthdays: Aragorn learns about a hobbit custom. Humor, Friendship. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 1327.
- Incunabulum: A rare and valuable manuscript is on display at the Michel Delving Museum. Future Fic. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 529.
- In the Emyn Muil: Their first night in the Emyn Muil, Frodo cares for Sam's cut knees. Gap Filler, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Cotton Candy Bingo. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 1405.
- The King's Gambit: To achieve victory, pawns must be sacrificed. Angst. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- Last Words: Aragorn finally reveals the last words of Boromir that he long kept secret. Drama, Post-Quest, Minas Tirith. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 1672.
- A Leap in the Dark: Pippin's courage nearly fails him when he needs to jump a chasm in Moria, but the Fellowship comes to his aid. Drama, Quest Fic. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 3057.
Leaving: Frodo makes an offer that lets Bilbo know how much his young cousin loves him. Friendship, Family. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 2540.
- Loose Ends: At least someone is making Bag End their home. Angst, Future Fic, Post-Quest. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- The Measure of Love: The Gaffer yields to superstition. Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 253.
- A Moment of Wonder: A company of Rangers gathers on a hill... Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 200.
- The Mote in Eru's Eye: How Eru sees two of the least of his children. Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- The Movie Consultants: Peter regrets hiring the four hobbits as movie consultants. Humor, Crack. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 649.
- No Pain, No Gain: What if Strider worked for the Middle-earth Weight Loss Center? Parody, Crack!fic, Humor. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 870.
'No silks or linens': Honour can be found in seemingly mundane tasks. Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- Nomad Soul: The wild Shieldmaiden of the north can never be fully tamed. Drama, Romance. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- Not from Here: Those we love are never truly gone. Character Death, Angst, Friendship. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- NEW! Not so very far: Frodo comes to a realization in Rivendell. Drama, Quest Fic. Characters: Frodo, Bilbo, Sam. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 500.
- On the Stairs of Cirith Ungol: When Sam falls asleep, Gollum lays a trap to turn Frodo against Sam. Will he succeed? Drama, Movie Verse, Friendship. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 2738.
- One Golden Summer Day: Frodo watches Elanor while Sam cares for a sick Rosie. Drama, Friendship, Family, Hurt/Comfort. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 1299.
- One Small Hobbit: Waiting to enter the City for the coronation, Merry remembers an unexpected conversation with Éomer... Drama, Friendship. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 1927.
- A Peaceful Life: Sam can't quite shake the effects of the Quest. Drama, Angst, Post-Quest. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- The Producers: Leo Fieldinbloom and Max Stockbrook set out to produce the worst play in Middle-earth, a guaranteed-to-close-in-one-night flop called 'Winter for Sauron'. Only things don't go exactly as planned... Crack, Humor, Crossover. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 1969.
- Ranger Noodles: Aragorn introduces the hobbits to Ranger noodles with interesting results. Humor, Quest Fic. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 506.
- Salt of the Earth: Frodo contemplates Sam and the meaning of hope. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- Silver Lining: Bilbo parts with another memento from his Adventure. Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 200.
- Snow Games: A rare heavy snowfall brings hobbits young and old out to play, but especially Sam and Rosie's children. Post-Quest, Future!Fic, Winter, Families, Children. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 1499.
- Soft Green Slippers: The hobbits wonder why they're called 'slippers'. Humor, Gap-Filler. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 198.
- Sleep on the Road to Mordor: It's Frodo's turn to offer comfort to Sam. Hurt/Comfort, Quest-fic. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 480.
- Some Day: Not all hope is lost. Companion to Wither. Angst. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- Still Round the Corner: Frodo watches and waits for one leaving the Shire. Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 2887.
- Strength Enough: Whence a gardener gets his strength. Drama, Quest Fic. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- Tater Tot: When mischief comes looking for Pippin he devises a cunning plan to keep a promise to his mother... Humor, Nekkid Hobbits. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 3486.
- Teatime: Autumn is the worst time for remembering. Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Quest. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 2408.
- The Travellers Slept Here: It's all about marketing... Humor, Future Fic. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 150.
- Trust: In the aftermath of Boromir's madness, Frodo must decide whom he can trust. Drama, Friendship, Quest, Movie Verse. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 719.
- Unto the Ending of the World: Frodo translates Aragorn's words for Sam. Angst, Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 200.
- Use Well the Days: Galadriel wonders if Sam has made use of her gift. Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- Waldeinsamkeit: Frodo craves solitude. Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 144.
- Wanderlust: Bilbo wonders if he'll ever have a relation who understands. Drama, Family, Friendship. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 335.
- The Way of the Young: The young crave excitement and adventure. Drama, Future Fic. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 291.
- NEW! Wayworn: Sam gets it all wrong. Drama, Quest Fic, Gap Filler. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 429.
- Weapon: Elrond contemplates a weapon tempered at a different forge. Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- What Memories Remain: Bilbo discovers that some memories will never be lost. Drama, Rivendell, Aging. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 500.
- Wings to Fly: Bilbo wonders if he's doing Sam a disservice. Pre-LOTR, Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- Wither: Not all wounds can be healed, even by a gardener. Angst. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- Wizard's Coin: Gandalf won't let a debt go unpaid. Drama. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 100.
- The Worth of the Shire: Frodo makes a donation to help get the Mathom-house back on its feet. Drama, Post-Quest. Rating: General Audiences. Words: 200.